I would like to put this class together because there is no local FAIR chapter in Atlanta nor were there any live courses open to independent/fractional/virtual CISOs like me. Eventually, I hope to start our own FAIR chapter to improve our skills together. I believe the class discussion and access to skilled practitioners will provide added value to the lower cost online certification options available, so I decided to find some others to participate.
RiskLens, the technical adviser for the FAIR Institute, will be leading the class.
The package will include:
- Admission to 2 day live class in the Atlanta area
- Course workbook for class
- Exam Voucher handed out by the RiskLens instructor at the end of the class
- Catered Breakfast and Lunch on both days
YOU WILL NEED TO BRING A LAPTOP / COMPUTER to run the scenarios using the RiskLens software discussed over the course of the 2 days.
At the end of the class, you should be able to:
- Know and apply consistent FAIR-based terminology
- Know and apply the FAIR ontology to risk scenarios
- Use various measurement concepts to select scenarios for analysis and estimate risk - factors using probability distributions
- Understand the use of calibrated estimation in quantitative risk analysis
- Follow a consistent process to scope risk scenarios for analysis
- Map various controls to corresponding parts of the FAIR ontology
- Understand and interpret the results of a FAIR analysis
- Apply their knowledge to case studies, based on real-life analyses
Here is a link to the survey monkey survey for course dates and other information.
Next steps:
- I will compile the survey responses and provide you all with the date that works best for everyone and the instructor, or resend the survey with new dates.
- Once we agree upon a date, I will ask you to let me know if you want me to send you an invoice so you can book your seat.
- I will accept reservations with payment on a first come-first serve basis, and I can take up to 8 people (will try to negotiate with RiskLens if they will let me add any more, but as I said, they don't seem to be very flexible..)
- Please note that I may not be able to refund payment once we are confirmed with RiskLens